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What a day it has been. I don’t even know where to start. How about last night? Last night felt like a success, since we had a boy sleeping by 7:00. I am thankful to say that he slept untl 12:00 when he wanted a bottle and was up for about an hour, and then slept through until about 7:30 when we woke him up for breakfast. That was the good part. The not so good… he cried… for an hour and a half… and wouldn’t stop… no matter what I did when he woke up. I feel so completely helpless and at the same time, feel like an emotional rock… or maybe a lack of emotion rock. I had a mini breakdown today and just felt lost. I am trying to meet all of his needs and give him everything he asks for, but each time he has it, he wants something else, or he just plops down in my lap and cries in my face about wanting to go home and see his mom. ROUGH morning.
We met with one of the social workers in the lobby at 8:15 and at that point, he was great. Getting into any kind of moving vehicle is always a good idea (and by the way, he is constantly pretending he is on a motorcyle each time we go anywhere which is pretty cute). We arrived by around 9:00 to the DSDW meeting and were told we were #2 on the list so it went much quicker than we were expecting. The meeting itself was kind of intimidating in how it was set up – us on one side of the room with microphones, maybe 6 people on the other side with the same. They were all very kind though and just asked questions about us, why Thailand, and who would take care of Ty. I think it was over in about 5 minutes and then this lady came out and shook our hands and said “congratulations”. A little while longer and we had all of the paperwork we needed to keep things moving, so big success there!
We wanted to keep moving as well because any time Ty is still, he starts thinking about what he is missing. Coming back to the room is about one of the worst possible options, so we quickly came back and loaded up for a day out in Bangkok; lunch at the Moon House, drop off laundry, and then off to the Dusit Zoo! The zoo here is incredible and the only thing that tainted it is there was this protest that was going to be happening nearby, so we felt like we shouldn’t stay too late. Ty has been really chatty with us, but it’s all been in Thai thus far. Today, we learned “zebra” and “monkey” in English, so those have been his first English words thus far. It was fun to watch him get excited about the animals, and it was great having a beautiful setting that we could hang out in and let him run off some energy.

We got back to the hotel at 4:00 and it was tears from then on, no matter what I did. He just keeps wanting to put his shoes on and leave, but we can’t take him back. If you’re praying for us, please pray for patience, wisdom, and compassion for me! Aaron is absolutely incredible with him, and I am so thankful that he comes to both of us for comfort, but it is HARD work, meeting this kiddos needs… especially with a language barrier.
Tomorrow we have one more official appointment at the US Embassy in the morning and then we should be all set to pack up and leave for the beach on Friday while we wait for his visa to be processed. Really looking forward to getting away from this hotel. It has been wonderful for us, but holds nothing but bad connotations for Ty and it’s just hard to relax other than when he is asleep. I always wondering why in the world people would want to leave early if their visa came though earlier than expected, and now I know. At this point, home is sounding wonderful! We have LOVED our time in Thailand, but we are getting to the point that we just want to start our new lives together and see what our new normal is going to look like. We saw some Christmas trees here today set up in a mall we were driving by, but it’s just not quite the same when it is 90+ degrees outside.