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To finish out our last day in Bangkok, we kept things super low-key. Breakfast downstairs as usual and meal times have become some of this girls happiest times. Unfortunately, the coffee / tea lady saw us coming again today and was all over Miss Mia. Mia was shutting down fast and I may have physically put my body between the two of them to “put on her bib”. In my head, it felt like I was diving across the table to tackle this lady, but I think I held together some semblance of composure… I think. Love Thai people, but come on ladies!
Following breakfast, we decided to make a trip to Big C to finish out our trip with some shopping. On shopping day, you don’t really have the opportunity to look around at the massiveness of this store and it’s contents and we thought it would be a fun way to end our trip. Unfortunately, the front desk staff of our hotel talked us into going to a nearby Tesco Lotus nearby instead. Whaa whaa… not anywhere close to as fun or random. We partially accomplished our task of seeking out random snacks to bring home to share, but missed out on all of the last minute shopping I was hoping to do. The highlight of the trip might have been a customer grabbing raw chicken with his bare hands to put in a bag in his cart. Imagine, at home, what we would have behind a meat counter served by a store employee wearing a hair net, plastic gloves, and an apron. In this store, it was served more like a pile of apples in a bin. The germophobe in me shuttered. Oh! And they have these fun magnetic escalators that always make us happier than an escalator should.

We came back to put Mia down for her morning nap so I could get some packing done. Leftovers were on the menu for lunch and then we decided to spend one more time down at the pool for our last day. It was easily the best time that we’d had with her yet. She was getting around on her own, splashing, playing, and we introduced her to bubbles for the first time. So cute watching her little lips pucker and blow and then giggle with glee when her efforts produced bubbles floating through the air.

By the time we were done at the pool, it was just about time for Aaron to go get Mia’s visa from the embassy – a task that took a whole lot longer than anticipated. I tried getting Mia an afternoon nap, knowing that we would have to keep her up until 11:00pm, but she would have none of it. I had flashbacks to Ty doing the exact same thing that day as we prepared to leave, only he was completely throwing a tantrum and she just seemed really sad that she couldn’t fall asleep. Aaron returned a couple of hours later and packing resumed. We had a taxi scheduled for 6:00 for a 10:40 flight and were determined to make it to the airport early to settle in, grab some dinner, and prepare for the longest day of our lives.

Tools to document your day…
- Camera Phone (for easy pictures and handheld video)
- Wide angle moment lens (for wide angle interiors and tight moments where you want to fit more in)
- Mini Tripod and / or travel tripod (for putting yourself in the space)
- Osmo Pocket (for adding smooth movement to your video)
- GoPro + Accessories (for pool time)
This was our last day in Bangkok and we soaked up what little we had left. A camera phone and Osmo did the trick while we were out and about running errands. The GoPro was fun to have at the pool one last time.
This is how we roll, but it doesn’t mean you have to. Mix and match what is going to give you the best experience and level of documentation that you are comfortable with. Technology changes quickly, so we’ll try to keep you up-to-date with what is currently in our camera bag and the tools we are now using to document travel.