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Do you want more vibrant, crisp, and sharp images? Have you ever noticed that your images don’t quite look as crisp and contrasty as other people’s photos; even those who are using the same phone? Why do your images look hazy or blurry? We’ve got a super simple solution for this common problem.
All you need to do is this one thing…REMEMBER TO WIPE! Your images are hazy and unclear because your lens has either fingerprints, dirt, or other crud on it. Simply take a really soft cloth or your t-shirt and give your lens a little wipe (if your phone has 2 lenses, make sure to clean each one). Check and make sure your shirt didn’t leave behind any fibers and that it’s super clean.

That’s it! Go ahead and take a few shots now and compare the difference. This simple step is really important in making sure you get the best images possible from your phone (or any camera for that matter). I have gotten in the habit of doing this so much that without even thinking about it, I’ll wipe my lens with my t-shirt every time I pull my phone out of my pocket. If you want to up your photography game, I recommend it become your habit too!
As I mentioned earlier, I typically just use my t-shirt to wipe my lens, but sometimes it doesn’t quite get the job done, especially on harder to reach areas like on my Moment Lenses. Here is a nice little tool made to get rid of dust, dirt, and smudges. I don’t personally have this, but it’s on my wish list!