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Hello from Incheon Airport! We made it to Seoul, South Korea. Local time is 5:05pm, Monday afternoon. At home, it’s 4:05am. Somewhere in there, we lost 14 hours, but have not accounted for any of that time in sleep, unfortunately. That being said, it has been the smoothest trip thus far and we are grateful to be able to stretch our legs in what is an absolutely immaculate, beautiful airport.

Our day started at 5:40am, Sunday morning. I woke up with a song in my heart (thank you, Ty) – “He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing. The Lord your God is with you.” He gave us a beautiful sunrise to show off His creativity this morning and I just felt loved and exactly where we are supposed to be.
All of our bags had been packed the previous night, so it was a really relaxed (albeit early) morning. I truly did fantastically well until we made it down to the kitchen and gave Ty a hug as I told him how much I loved him and would miss him. The next hour was a pretty weepy mess on my part. 🙂 We dropped Ty off at my parents, spent some time saying goodbye, wished my dad a “Happy Birthday!”, and Ty excitedly pushed us out the door to go get his sister. Can I just tell you how thankful I am for this boy? Ty – you are everything that your dad and I ever hoped or dreamed for and more. I am just so proud of you and love you so much. You have the kindest, sweetest heart combined with an awesome sense of humor, and are the bravest little man I know.
As we were getting ready this morning, Aaron told Ty how sweet he was and Ty responded, “Yeah – people keep telling me that.” 🙂 He also reminded us – “Be sure to tell people about Jesus on your trip. Even if you don’t know them – that’s ok.” Gah.

We made it to O’Hare early, had an uneventful check-in (which is already an answered prayer because our baggage weights and sizes were a little questionable according to Korean Air’s website), enjoyed a quiet lunch together in the international terminal, and boarded our 13 hour flight to Korea. Korean Air might be my favorite flying experience thus far. The flight attendants look like they could have been flying the friendly skies 60 years ago – pencil skirts, tailored shirts, perfect hair with a stiff ribbon tied in a knot, and a starched scarf tied around their necks. Beautiful women who know how to serve well. The food was fantastic, we were able to arrange our seats to sit together, we took in a couple of movies, and tried (unsuccessfully) to get a nap. It really was a smooth ride though and there are no complaints (although allergies – still dealing with them in Korea – hoping that a shower and change of clothes will remedy that).

There are Korean Air blue planes outside this ginormous window that I’m sitting next to with busy, little yellow vehicles driving purposefully below and they kind of look like one of Ty’s roller tractor toys. The sun is streaming in through a haze and there are mountains covered in trees off in the distance. Für Elise plays as a warning to pedestrians on a tram that streaks by taking slower passengers to their gates. I am surrounded by Asians. I realize with every part of me that we are exactly where we should be, but the fact that we are going to meet our daughter in just a couple of days still seems so very unreal to me. I can’t believe it’s actually happening!
Once again, peace. All is well.
Tools to document your day…
- Camera Phone (for selfies, standard video, and airport photos)
- Wide angle moment lens (for tight spaces and large room shots)
- Tripod (for airport movement and putting yourself in a space)
- Osmo Pocket (for adding smooth movement to your video)
- Insta 360 (for unique photo and video perspectives)
These are our current easy travel cameras and accessories. Each item is compact, lightweight, and can easily be stored / accessed through the busyness of getting through packing / airports / security / a day of travel. Technology changes quickly, so we’ll try to keep you up-to-date with what is currently in our camera bag and the tools we are now using to document travel.

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