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Well, we are back at the Pantip. I am sitting at a desk, on the 20th floor, looking at a pretty spectacular view of the largest city I have ever seen. There is lightning in the distance, displaying incredible cloud formations, and you can hear traffic going by below. Today feels like a pretty uneventful day, but there is a lot that I want to remember, so bear with me if it seems mundane. 🙂
5:10 was the start of our morning in spite of my very comfortable bed and beautiful surroundings.  Ty’s internal clock doesn’t seem to recognize the fact that we are on a mini vacation.  That being said, he stayed in bed for quite a while and then ended up getting up on his own and playing on the floor quietly.  Hoping that pattern continues.  We got ready for breakfast and stepped outside to a gorgeous, sunny day… on the day that we had to leave the beach.  It was fantastic though and we enjoyed every bit.  We had a facetime date where my family got to meet Ty this morning and I got to take them on a tour of the grounds.  It was just so peaceful and timeless and wonderful at this hotel.  Hopefully we can make it back someday on our own.  I loved our experience there with Ty, but just the two of us would be fantastic as well.

Ty loves checking himself out in the mirror – we put his hat on and he was making all kinds of faces and posing for himself. Really sad, but the first few days when he was an emotional wreck, he would stand in the hallway and watch himself cry in the mirror. He has also learned to play peek-a-boo, which comes out with more of a booming just “BOOOO” when he covers his eyes. He and Aaron played quite a bit of hide and seek at the hotel as well which basically consisted of Ty hiding behind the curtains and then following Aaron around as he “searched” for him. He was always pleasantly surprised when he was found even though it was in plain sight. 🙂

12:00 came and it was time for us to say goodbye to the most beautiful, peaceful hotel on earth and say hello to a long taxi ride back to Bangkok. Random, but on the way down to Hua Hin and back, our taxi driver made us get out of the van to refuel.  Not entirely sure what their reasoning is on that, but they have these food vendors at the gas station, so I’m guessing that it has something to do with that.  Aaron got this weird cream puffy thing today for 6 baht and said it was really good.
We returned to the Pantip (we originally thought we would be stuck here waiting for a visa until tomorrow), and got a new room.  The room isn’t quite as nice up here, but the views are spectacular.  We can see straight down into the Koi Pond and pool area and the city goes on as far as the eye can see.  Moon House pad thai was on the menu for the evening, but Aaron went out to bring it back so that we could enjoy it in our room.  I totally get why people aren’t crazy about eating out with their toddlers – so messy.  We weren’t quite ready for bed, but didn’t want to go exploring either, so we decided to make one more trip to Lumphini Park.  The sun was setting and we found all kinds of beautiful areas, but the thing that stood out the most was this ginormous workout class.  I would say there were hundreds of people, all working out in unison, following a few leaders.  Really strange and funny to watch.  As we started walking back towards the hotel, we were on a path, surrounded by tons of runners, and all of a sudden, everyone stopped what they were doing and just stood still.  It felt a little twilight zone-y.  The only thing that we could think of was a song started playing and maybe it was their national anthem?  The second it was over, they all bowed (again in unison) and picked up where they left off.  So weird.
We had another normal bedtime with Ty and we put him in bed on his own to finish his bottle. He got up once, but I showed him back to the bed and he has been there ever since. Now if we could just sleep a whole night through, I would be one very happy girl. Aaron and I have been working on photos / blogging / and the dreaded packing since we have some time sans Ty. We are hoping for one more wonderful day in Bangkok tomorrow, but will then be packing up completely tomorrow night to start the trip home. We are really looking forward to being home, but not so much the getting there part. We also heard from the hotel tonight that there are political protests popping up all over the city, so that could affect our time that it takes to get to the airport tomorrow night. If you think about us, please pray for tomorrow especially. It has been a day that I have been dreading for a very long time and I am hoping that it will all go much smoother than it does in my head. 🙂 30+ hours of travel with a toddler isn’t ideal, but it is what it will take to get us home.
Random note : When we had our Big C shopping day, we noticed guys on rollerblades in the store. Â Apparently store employees wear them so they can get around the massive store that much quicker. Â Makes sense, but funny to see.
I forgot one of my favorite things about yesterday. As we were walking back from the workout capital of Bangkok, we were standing at one of the biggest and busiest intersections I have ever seen. This tall Thai guy in running clothes and headphones was standing there with us and we were just waiting for the light to turn when he looked at us and in perfect English said “thank you guys for adopting”. It kind of surprised me. Come to find out, he is from San Diego and was adopted when he was little. 🙂 It was just a really pleasant surprise. We have been encouraged by so many strangers on our trip in addition to all of you. Thanks for loving us so well!