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If our adoption trip could be summed up in one word today, it would be “lazy”. And that is exactly the day that we needed after 30+ hours of travel. Our day started at 8:30 after having slept well. We walked down to breakfast and enjoyed a rainy, dreary morning. Breakfast is the same as it was before, with the exception of a new cappuccino / hot cocoa machine (not a bad addition). Coming back has been both familiar and surreal.

We stopped by the front desk to pick up our mail. Our adoption trip schedule was there, so now we officially know what the next week will look like. Blogging, wrapping foster family gifts, a swim for Aaron, and some ironing for me wrapped up our morning. We walked down to the Moon House for lunch and it’s bigger and different, but still offers lunch for two with a Thai tea for about $5.

We spent our afternoon capturing the place where we will meet our girl and swimming in the biggest pool known to mankind. Everywhere we look, there are memories with Ty. It feels like home. The sounds, smells, uneven pavers, scooters driving unconventionally around cars… all familiar. Apparently it is rainy season? Which means we can expect a giant rain storm every afternoon and we got to witness one today – from the 25th floor in downtown Bangkok. Absolutely incredible to watch it move in, devouring the city in a haze off in the distance with bands of rain and then quickly moving closer until it was upon us with thunder and lightening. I got to read a book with our balcony doors open and the rain pouring outside and it was magical.

For dinner tonight, we had an opportunity to meet up with a fellow adoptive family from Indiana who is heading home tomorrow with their son. We had a great evening learning about each other and asking questions to the only people nearby who understand English / Indiana / being so far from home / adoption / parenting a new toddler. Loved it. Great couple and they are doing so great with their son and he also seems to be doing really well. We followed it up with a facetime chat with my dad and Ty who are doing great and had already had a great morning fishing.
Tomorrow is Mia day! My schedule says it, my mind knows it, but my heart isn’t fully comprehending it yet. Maybe it’s just that I’m not feeling all of the crazy that I felt when we were meeting Ty for the first time? Everything is just already so familiar – being a mom / the process / the hotel / the social workers… I was so overwhelmed at the enormity of it all last time. Tomorrow just feels natural – like it is obviously what is supposed to happen. My stomach isn’t in knots, my mind is calm, my heart isn’t about to beat out of my chest. I am present and living in this exact moment and I am just really excited to meet this girl.
Oh! And one change on the schedule. Meeting Mia and foster family visit are both tomorrow with shopping day on Thursday. Same as it was last time for Ty, but that makes for a huge day!
Tools to document your day…
- Camera Phone (for selfies, standard video, and photos to capture your new home away from home)
- Wide angle moment lens (for interiors and panoramic views of the city)
- Moment tele 58mm lens (for a little zoom)
- Tripod (for putting yourself in the space)
- Osmo Pocket (for exploring and adding smooth movement to your video)
Our adoption trip has us in Bangkok and documenting our surroundings. This was a “no pressure” day for us, so I would keep it light and focus on settling in. Technology changes quickly, so we’ll try to keep you up-to-date with what is currently in our camera bag and the tools we are now using to document travel.