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We just got home from a quick 2 night getaway and I thought I would share one of my favorite packing tips with you. It requires something that I guarantee that you already have in your home. Are you ready for it?
Head towards your laundry room, grab a laundry basket, begin packing. Seriously… it’s my favorite way to pack. This obviously assumes that you aren’t going to be flying anywhere, but since traveling with kids, this has been my go-to for packing and it has made life on a trip so much easier.

To stay organized, each member of the family gets their own *packing cube from eBags . We each have our own colored sets with a small, medium, and large bag. My husband and I both use the large – the kids gear can fit in a medium. Each bag gets layered vertically along the length of the laundry basket leaving plenty of room to throw in 2 toiletry bags, a hair dryer / straightener, our *SNOOZ (can’t live without it), and any loose shoes that may not fit in our packing cubes.
During the trip, we each live out of our respective cube, almost like a dresser drawer. The laundry basket is then free for dirty laundry to reside in. Gone are the days of having dirty laundry everywhere or guessing which pieces are still clean. Come the end of the trip, shoes and miscellaneous items go on top of the dirty clothes. I then collect all of the cubes, lay them on top of the pile, and we are ready to pack up the car and head home.
I’m able to start a load of laundry as soon as we get home because the clothes have already been separated. Packing cubes head to their bedrooms and unpacking is a breeze with whatever clothes may be left in each cube. It also gives you a better idea of how you can pack for your next trip when you are able to quickly see which clothing items went completely unused.
I know this doesn’t work in all travel situations, but it has been a game changer for me when traveling with kids for holidays with family, weekend getaways, and road trips. I hope that it can make your packing life simpler as well.

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